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Efficiently explore design space with advanced optimization methods.

New Optimization Methods

The demo opens the project and opens the optimization dialog to show the new methods.

There are two new methods.  The first is the Advanced Genetic Algorithm, which has been shown to work very well for large problem spaces with many parameters.  The second is Particle Swarm which works well with both physics-based design optimizations as well as ideal component optimizations.

Jump start passive circuit and mixer designs using the beta version of new synthesis wizards.

Synthesis Wizards

The demo opens a project that shows a synthesized Wilkinson Divider, a response Graph, and simulates.

  1. To replicate the Wilkinson creation open the Component SynthesisWizard.
    • Change any desired settings.
    • Push To MWO and note that a new Wilkinson (or other selected component) Schematic and response Graph are created.
  2. Simulate to see the response of the newly created component.
  3. Note that there is also a Mixer and Multiplier Synthesis Wizard.

Perform carrier aggregation or multiple two tone spacing simulations from a single test bench.

Nested Nonlinear Tone Frequency Sweep

The project will open to a test bench that sweeps two tone spacing, open some Graphs, simulate, and then open the Tuner.

License requirements: Nonlinear simulator (MWO-2XX)

  1. Tune on Fdelt to see the various two tone spacings that simulated.

Share VSS data within the design team and with other tools using new output files.

VSS Output Files

The project will open, simulate, and open windows for a 3x3 phased array EM structure, a graph that shows the EM structure antenna pattern, a System Diagram that uses the antenna pattern output file produced from the EM structure, and a graph that shows the antenna patter caculated with VSS.

License requirements: AXIEM or Analyst and VSS-250 or greater, and the 5G Library (W5G-100) or the Radar Libary (RDR-100)

  1. Note the AntPat_Tpwr Output File in the project that generates the CenterElem Data File.
    • The AntPat_Tpwr Output File is disabled because regnerating the CenterElem Data File causes the System Diagram to re-simulate
  2. The CenterElem Data File is used by the ANTENNA element in the Antenna Pattern System Diagram.